I have yet to see anyone who looks like this. The media and movies have wrongly portrayed cancer patients for years! 50 Cent says he lost like 50 pounds to portray a "cancer patient" in a new movie. Well 50 Cent if you had actually visited a chemo treatment center or actually talked to a cancer patient you would know that you are more likely to GAIN weight than to become emaciated.
I had this discussion today with the nurse who was taking my vitals. I asked him..."So, seriously, when does the emaciation kick in? 50 Cent is all emaciated and I'm just wondering when that nice little silver lining kicks in? You know...amongst all the diarrhea, constipation, cold sensitivity, etc....I'm just wondering when I can expect to loose some of this pesky weight."
He only laughed at me and said that wasn't likely to happen.
Thanks alot Nurse Dude. Geez way to burst a girls bubble.
Hey 50 Cent...when you really want to know what a cancer patient looks like give me a call. I'll take you to Ischen's for some fried chicken and beer. Then you can gain 30 pounds and really look like one of us. I realize it's not as dramatic as looking anorexic...but believe me, it's certainly more realistic.
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