Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Row, row, row your boat....

Yes, that’s right. Fall rowing season is back in full swing. This week I rowed my first full practice in months! It was hot (98 degrees) and long (an hour and a half) and I gave it my all, which is saying a lot considering I’ve pretty much let exercise and exertion take a back seat since January.

Don’t get me wrong…I’ve taken walks…but not regularly. And I take the stairs when I can…but haven’t pushed myself past four flights. But I’ve decided that I’m just sick and tired of being sick and tired (and fat). So last night kicked off my new work out regime. I’ve joined a new gym (with two goals in mind #1 to get back into fighting shape and #2 to land myself a doctor BF) gotten and new athletic swimsuit and am ready to dive into swimming and all the other pilates and yoga classes the gym has to offer.

But I digress. Last night was exhilarating and tiring all at the same time. There is just something magical to me about skimming along the river. I’m a water baby so any water sport is just grand to me…but this is different. It’s much like sailing in that you have to focus on the moment, think strategically, and breathe. Breathing is very important.

I also learned last night that, when applied correctly, SPF 90 does indeed keep every bit of sun from burning your skin. I’m pretty sure that stuff would protect a vampire. So I made it through a full practice in sweltering heat, gave it 100%, and didn’t get a sun burn. Take THAT cancer!

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